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   Get Help by Phone

Phone a Reference Librarian during open hours.

Cypress Creek (CYP) 512-223-2037
Elgin (EGN) 512-223-9435
Eastview (EVC) 512-223-5116
Highland (HLC) 512-223-7379
Hays (HYS) 512-223-1593
Northridge (NRG) 512-223-4744
Rio Grande (RGC) 512-223-3068
Riverside (RVS) 512-223-6005
Round Rock (RRC) 512-223-0105
South Austin (SAC) 512-223-9181
San Gabriel (SGC) 512-223-2566
   Email Us

Want to provide more detail about your question or don’t have a great deal of time to chat with a Librarian?

eMail us:

   Zoom a Librarian

To better serve our students and staff, we’ve updated our virtual reference support process. Students can now request a virtual reference appointment by completing this form using their ACC email address. Please provide at least 24 hours' notice of your appointment request. If you need immediate assistance, please use our 24/7 Chat with an Expert Librarian service.

Please include a brief description of your question or research needs and your availability. A librarian will respond promptly to schedule an appointment that works for you.

We look forward to assisting you with your research and information needs!

   Suggest a Book or Video

Suggest a Book or Video

If you know of a book or video that you'd like to be available through ACC Library Services, let us know!

Please see 24/7 LIBRARY SERVICES available online.
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