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ACC Library Services participates in various partnerships, including these examples:
TexShare: ACC Library Services participates in TexShare, a library resource sharing program. Please review the ACC Library TexShare policy prior to use.
OCLC: ACC Library Services participates in OCLC, a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large. Services include use of cooperative and Library of Congress bibliographic metadata records, Collection Analysis tools, access to, and Interlibrary Loan services.
Abilene Library Consortium: ACC Library Services is a member of the Abilene Library Consortium (ALC), a regional nonprofit organization for all types of libraries, museums, and information organizations. The ALC enables partnerships and collaborations, offering digital, virtual and in-person services and resources including library information systems, digitization, and expert consulting. Specifically, ACC subscribes to the EBSCO Discovery module which increases discovery of and access to our resources for student, faculty and staff success.
Amigos: ACC Library Services participates in Amigos Library Services, a non-profit, 501(c)3 member-based organization, with a mission to unite libraries in service to their communities. Amigos is one of the largest consortia of libraries in the nation, providing continuing education, member discounts, courier service, and association management.
Volunteer Opportunities; Internship/Practicum Opportunities:
ACC Library Services does not accept volunteer workers within Library Services in either public service or support service areas. Although we have at times accepted applications for learning opportunities which fulfill credit and non-credit course requirements at the certificate, undergraduate and/or Master's level - given current ACC Library Services projects, new environments, new and remodeled campuses and the large numbers of new employees - we will not be accepting applications for learning opportunities (class projects, internships, field experiences, etc.). Any questions regarding these opportunities should be directed to Library Services Dean, Keri Moczygemba at
College Bound Seniors: ACC faculty librarians have participated in college transition/preparedness programs offered by local high schools. Example -- Librarians from the Cypress Creek Campus Library have presented the
"ACC Libraries - Top 10 Things You Need to Know" to Cedar Park High School seniors planing to attend college.
Open Educational Resources (OER): At the request of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating board, ACC serves an early adopter of the statewide repository, OERTX through the presence of the ACC OER Hub managed by Library Services. OERTX is provided through a partnership between the Coordinating Board and the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) and is made possible by an appropriation from the Texas Legislature. In addition, Library Services is a member of SPARC - the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition and Carrie Gits, Head Librarian of Highland Campus Library is a current member of the SPARC Steering Committee. This organization works to “enable the open sharing of research outputs and educational materials in order to democratize access to knowledge, accelerate discovery, and increase the return on our investment in research and education.”