Interlibrary Loan Guidelines & Policies
The Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States defines Interlibrary Loan (ILL) as "the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library." Interlibrary loan (as defined by this code) is to obtain material for users that are not available in the user's local library or at ACC. In addition, the ILL process is provided to support ACC curriculum design, ACC assignment research and information for current ACC students, faculty and staff.
Processes and restrictions for ILL resources and services
- ACC reference librarians may refer current ACC users to complete an ACC Interlibrary Loan online form at library reference desks or through phone, email, Zoom, or chat reference sevices.
- ACC Library Services staff will follow up with users as needed.
- ILL service can take from three to eight weeks but some requests may be available sooner.
- ACC will not request materials that ACC libraries own. Users should check the Library Catalog or our electronic resources for materials prior to requesting ILL services. For questions or if you need help, please contact a librarian!
- Materials unavailable for Interlibrary Loan include current periodicals and bound periodical volumes, newspapers, manuscripts, reference works, textbooks, genealogical and local history materials, audiovisual materials, theses, dissertations, microforms, equipment, hardware and software.
- Requesters of locally-owned materials are referred to reference librarians for assistance in identifying local materials and assisting requesters to obtain TexShare Cards when appropriate.
- ACC ILL requests are reserved for ACC curriculum design, ACC assignment research and information materials. Requests outside this scope will be vetted by ACC ILL librarians and patron will be contacted about alternative options.
- ACC ILL librarians reserve the right to limit excessive or repetitive loan requests.